Prof. Ing. Mag. et Dr. rer. soc. oec. Robert Müller-Török

Organisationseinheit: |
Fakultät I
Funktion: |
Studiendekan Digitales Verwaltungsmanagement | Professor für e-Government
Zimmer: |
Sprechstunde: |
nach Vereinbarung
Telefon: |
+49 7141 140 1552
E-Mail: |
Zur Person
Prof. Dr. Müller-Török is an Austrian National and lives in Germany since 1997, where he immigrated after having completed his doctoral studies at the University of Economics and Business Administration Vienna. He was a Business Consultant in the Financial Services Sector, held positions in municipal Asset Management and the Automotive Industry and regularly taught Small Business Management and Computer Science from 1997-2012. In 2012 he was appointed Full Professor here in Ludwigsburg.
His classes are on Information Management and on e-Government mainly, but sometimes he remembers his scientific roots and teaches Economics as well. In June 2023 he was elected as Vice Dean for Studies Digital Administration Management.
He is an organizer of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Days which are held in Budapest.
Alexander Prosser; Domenica Bagnato; Robert Müller-Török (2025): The inclusion of CO2 accounting in the IPSAS accounting standard , Smart Cities and Regional Development (SCRD) Journal , Universul Academic , Bukarest
Domenica Bagnato; Thomas Hemker; Robert Müller-Török; Alexander Prosser; Sven Sroka (2024): Fake News and Hate Speech - Evidence from Germany , Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2024
Robert Müller-Török; Christoph Schmidt (2024): Implementing mandatory e-invoices B2B in Germany - Issues Obstacles and probable Showstoppers , Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2024
Robert Müller-Török; Alexander Prosser; Sven Sroka (2024): The digital (il)literacy of local and regional politicians and civil servants – An analysis based on recent data from Romania , Smart cities and regional development (SCRD) journal , Universul Academic , Bukarest
Thomas Hemker; Robert Müller-Török (2023): (Zu) Wenig Digital-Kompetenzen in der Ausbildung für die öffentliche Verwaltung , Verwaltung & Management : VM ; Zeitschrift für moderne Verwaltung , Nomos , Baden-Baden
Volker M. Haug; Robert Müller-Török; Steffen Kirsch (2023): Zur dringenden Reformbedürftigkeit der Briefwahl , Die öffentliche Verwaltung - Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht und Verwaltungswissenschaft , Kohlhammer , Stuttgart
Thomas Hemker; Robert Müller-Török; Alexander Prosser (2023): How to Measure Learning Success in eLearning for ERP Systems , CEEeGov '23: Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2023
Thomas Hemker; Robert Müller-Török; Alexander Prosser (2022): Interactive eLearning with ERP Systems: Advancing Some Refutable Hypotheses on Interactivity in eLearning , CEE e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2022 : Hate Speech and Fake News - Fate or Issue Tackle? Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2022, Budapest / Gergely Deli, Robert Müller-Török, Alexander Prosser, Dona Scola, Nicolae Urs (Eds.)
Lea Bader; Robert Müller-Török (2022): Identification issues in citizens’ participation Why are eIDAS-compliant means of identification not common standard? , CEE e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2022 : Hate Speech and Fake News - Fate or Issue Tackle? Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2022, Budapest / Gergely Deli, Robert Müller-Török, Alexander Prosser, Dona Scola, Nicolae Urs (Eds.)
Thomas Hemker; Robert Müller-Török (2022): Digital Competences in Public Sector Education as a Prerequisite for e-Government , Pro publico bono : Public Administration , Ludovika University Press , Budapest
Domenica Bagnato;
Robert Müller-Török;
Alexander Prosser
Business Computing with SAP® : Implementing ERP and Analytics in a Manufacturing Company
, facultas
, Wien
Sandra Rasztovics; Robert Müller-Török (2021): Randomly Selected Citizens: The Sorcerer’s Stone of e-Participation? , Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days 2021: Conference Proceedings / Thomas Hemker/Robert Müller-Török (Hrsg.)
Robert Müller-Török; Alexander Prosser (2021): The Corona Warning App of the German Federal Government – How perceived data protection issues hindered any effectiveness , Smart cities and regional development (SCRD) journal , Universul Academic , Bucharest
Robert Müller-Török; Alexander Prosser (2021): Teaching Requirements of A Digitised Public Administration , Pro Publico Bono – Public Administration : Journal of Public Governance and Administration of the University of Public Service , University of Public Service , Budapest
Thomas Hemker;
Robert Müller-Török
Entwicklung und Einführung ERP-basierter Lehre an den HÖD
, Gleichwertigkeit der Lebensverhältnisse : Möglichkeiten und Wege der Gestaltung für die öffentliche Verwaltung / Beck, Joachim/Stember, Jürgen (Hrsg.)
, Nomos
, Baden-Baden
Robert Müller-Török;
Birgit Schenk;
Alexander Prosser
Sensor Networks and Enterprise Resource Planning Systems in the Smart City
, Collaborative governance, trust building and community development : conference proceedings „Transylvanian international conference in public administration”, October 24-26, 2019, Cluj-Napoca, Romania / editors: Cristina Maria Hinţea, Bianca Veronica Radu, Raluca Maria Suciu
, Accent
, Cluj-Napoca
Alexander Prosser; Robert Müller-Török; Birgit Schenk (2019): Digitization and system integration in the Public Sector-Consequences for teaching , CEE e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2019 : Cyber Security and eGovernment; [Proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e|Dem and e|Gov Days 2019 May 2-3, 2019 Budapest] / András Nemeslaki, Alexander Prosser, Dona Scola, Tamás Szádeczky ... (eds.). - Wien : Österreichische Computer Gesellschaft, 2019. - 536 Seiten : Illustrationen ( ; Band 335)
Robert Müller-Török; Werner Faßrainer; Birgit Schenk (2017): Bürger, Einwohner, Menschen – Der Bedeutungswandel des rechtspolitischen Status innerhalb eines Gemeinwesens , Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik : ZAR , Nomos , Baden-Baden
Robert Müller-Török; Arne Pautsch; Birgit Schenk (2017): A Participatory Budget at Federal State Level – A feasibility study from Baden-Württemberg , Transylvanian International Conference in Public Administration. Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2-4 November 2017
Robert Müller-Török; Birgit Schenk (2015): The European Citizens’ Initiative: Legal, technical and organizational requirements for any collection of online support , CEE e-Dem and e-Gov Days 2015 : [Independence day]: time for a European Internet?; conference proceedings; [proceedings of the Central and Eastern European e-Dem and e-Gov Days 2015 May 7-8, 2015, Budapest; dedicated to Johannes Pichler] / Alexander Balthasar ... (eds.). - ( ; 308)
Birgit Schenk; Robert Müller-Török (2015): Organisierter Briefwahlbetrug – eine europäische Realität. Eine Analyse anhand von Beispielen aus dem UK und aus Bayern , Kooperation IRIS 2015 : Tagungsband des 18. Internationalen Rechtsinformatik Symposions; 26. bis 28. Februar 2015, Universität Salzburg / Erich Schweighofer ... (Hrsg./Eds.). - [Wien] : Österreichische Computer-Ges., 2015. - 668 S. ( ; 309)